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quantify module


Create a time series of consecutive minutes (cumulative summation of each fast) fasted from a time series of fasting status.

Credit to George Pipis for inspiration of the solution. You can find George's solution here


Input = [0,1,1,1,0,1,1] Output = [0,1,2,3,0,1,2]


Name Type Description Default
fasts Series

pandas Series of fasting status with 1 minute frequency. - Yes (ie. fasting) as 1. - No (i.e. not fasting) as 0.


Returns: A time series of a consecutive minutes fasted.

Source code in fasting/
def consecutive_minutes(fasts: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
    Create a time series of consecutive minutes (cumulative summation of each fast) fasted from
    a time series of fasting status.

    Credit to George Pipis for inspiration of the solution.
    You can find George's solution [here](

        Input =  [0,1,1,1,0,1,1]
        Output = [0,1,2,3,0,1,2]

        fasts: pandas Series of fasting status with 1 minute frequency.
                    - Yes (ie. fasting) as 1.
                    - No (i.e. not fasting) as 0.
    Returns: A time series of a consecutive minutes fasted.

    if not validate_continuous_fasts(fasts):
        raise Exception('Continuous log is invalid. Check error raised by validate_continuous_log().')

    consecutive_mins = fasts.groupby((fasts != fasts.shift()).cumsum()).cumcount() + 1
    consecutive_mins[fasts == 0] = 0
    return consecutive_mins

continuous_fasts(fasts, start_col='start_dt', end_col='end_dt')

Create a continuous time series of fasting status (0 ~ no or 1 ~ yes) from a DataFrame of individual events (start datetime and end datetime) with a datetime index at a frequency of 1 minute.


Name Type Description Default
fasts DataFrame

DataFrame of discrete logs with start and end datetime columns.

start_col str

Name of column representing fasting start datetimes.

end_col str

Name of column representing fasting end datetimes.


!!! returns "A pandas Series of event status at 1 minute frequency." - Yes (ie. fasting) as 1. - No (i.e. not fasting) as 0.

Source code in fasting/
def continuous_fasts(fasts: pd.DataFrame, start_col: str = 'start_dt', end_col: str = 'end_dt') -> pd.Series:
    Create a continuous time series of fasting status (0 ~ no or 1 ~ yes)
    from a DataFrame of individual events (start datetime and end datetime)
    with a datetime index at a frequency of 1 minute.

        fasts: DataFrame of discrete logs with start and end datetime columns.
        start_col: Name of column representing fasting start datetimes.
        end_col: Name of column representing fasting end datetimes.

    Returns: A pandas Series of event status at 1 minute frequency.
                - Yes (ie. fasting) as 1.
                - No (i.e. not fasting) as 0.

    if not validate_discrete_fasts(fasts, 'start_dt', 'end_dt'):
        raise Exception('Discrete log is invalid. Check error raised by validate_discrete_log().')

    # Sort by start_dt (oldest to newest)
    fasts = fasts.sort_values(by=start_col, ascending=True, ignore_index=True)

    # Create continuous log
    start = fasts[start_col].iloc[0]  # First timestamp: start_dt of first fast
    end = fasts[end_col].iloc[-1]  # Last timestamp: end_dt of last fast
    time_range = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq='1T')
    log = pd.Series(0, index=time_range)  # Initialize continuous log to 0
    for index, row in fasts.iterrows():  # Set fasting value to 1 for timestamps between fast start and end
        start = row[start_col]
        end = row[end_col]
        log[start:end] = 1

    return log


Calculate the daily cumulative hours fasted from a pandas Series of fasting status with 1 minute frequency.


Name Type Description Default
fasts Series

pandas Series of fasting status with 1 minute frequency. - Yes (ie. fasting) as 1. - No (i.e. not fasting) as 0.


Returns: The daily cumulative hours fasted as a pandas Series.

Source code in fasting/
def daily_cumulative_hours(fasts: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
    Calculate the daily cumulative hours fasted from a pandas Series of fasting status with 1 minute frequency.
        fasts: pandas Series of fasting status with 1 minute frequency.
                    - Yes (ie. fasting) as 1.
                    - No (i.e. not fasting) as 0.
    Returns: The daily cumulative hours fasted as a pandas Series.

    if not validate_continuous_fasts(fasts):
        raise Exception('Continuous log is invalid. Check error raised by validate_continuous_log().')

    minutes_per_hour = 60
    cumulative_mins = fasts.resample('1D').sum()
    cumulative_hrs = cumulative_mins / minutes_per_hour
    return cumulative_hrs


Calculate the maximum daily consecutive hours fasted from a pandas Series of fasting status with 1 minute frequency.

There are potentially 2 fasts occurring in a single day (one ends and another starts). Maximum consecutive hours fasted his can include hours carried over from previous day.


Name Type Description Default
fasts Series

pandas Series of fasting status with 1 minute frequency. - Yes (ie. fasting) as 1. - No (i.e. not fasting) as 0.


Returns: The daily maximum consecutive hours fasted as a pandas Series.

Source code in fasting/
def daily_max_consecutive_hours(fasts: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
    Calculate the maximum daily consecutive hours fasted from a pandas Series of fasting status with 1 minute frequency.

    There are potentially 2 fasts occurring in a single day (one ends and another starts).
    Maximum consecutive hours fasted his can include hours carried over from previous day.

        fasts: pandas Series of fasting status with 1 minute frequency.
                    - Yes (ie. fasting) as 1.
                    - No (i.e. not fasting) as 0.
    Returns: The daily maximum consecutive hours fasted as a pandas Series.


    if not validate_continuous_fasts(fasts):
        raise Exception('Continuous log is invalid. Check error raised by validate_continuous_log().')

    minutes_per_hour = 60
    consecutive_mins = consecutive_minutes(fasts)
    daily_maximum_mins = consecutive_mins.resample('1D').max()
    daily_maximum_hrs = daily_maximum_mins / minutes_per_hour
    return daily_maximum_hrs


Validate a continuous log of fasts for use by other module functions. !!! validations - Frequency of series index is 1 minute ('T') - Value at each time step is either 0 or 1 (0 ~ not fasting, 1 ~ fasting), no extraneous or NaN values


Name Type Description Default
fasts Series

Series of continuous logs with a datetime index at a 1 minute frequency and values of 0 or 1.


Returns: True if the fasts series is valid.

Source code in fasting/
def validate_continuous_fasts(fasts: pd.Series) -> bool:
    Validate a continuous log of fasts for use by other module functions.
        - Frequency of series index is 1 minute ('T')
        - Value at each time step is either 0 or 1 (0 ~ not fasting, 1 ~ fasting), no extraneous or NaN values

        fasts: Series of continuous logs with a datetime index at a 1 minute frequency and values of 0 or 1.

    Returns: True if the fasts series is valid.

    # Validate frequency of index is 1 minute ('T')
    freq = pd.infer_freq(fasts.index)
    if freq != 'T':
        raise ValueError(f"""
                        Frequency of the continuous fast must be: 'T' (1 minute).
                        Frequency of fasts series input: {freq}.

    # Validate values only contain 0 or 1
    if not fasts.isin([0, 1]).all():
        unexpected_values = fasts[((fasts != 0) & (fasts != 1))]
        raise ValueError(f"""
                        Continuous fast (input to fasts) must contain only values of 0 or 1.
                        Check fasts for extraneous or NaN values:

    return True

validate_discrete_fasts(fasts, start_col='start_dt', end_col='end_dt')

Validate a discrete log of fasts for use by other module functions. Discrete logs should have a start and end datetime for each fast. !!! validations - Each fast has a start and end datetime (start_col and end_col cannot contain missing values) - Start datetimes are before end datetimes for each fast - Fasts do not overlap.


Name Type Description Default
fasts DataFrame

DataFrame of discrete logs with start and end datetime columns.

start_col str

Name of column representing fasting start datetimes.

end_col str

Name of column representing fasting end datetimes.


Returns: True if the discrete fasts DataFrame is valid.

Source code in fasting/
def validate_discrete_fasts(fasts: pd.DataFrame, start_col: str = 'start_dt', end_col: str = 'end_dt') -> bool:
    Validate a discrete log of fasts for use by other module functions.
    Discrete logs should have a start and end datetime for each fast.
        - Each fast has a start and end datetime (start_col and end_col cannot contain missing values)
        - Start datetimes are before end datetimes for each fast
        - Fasts do not overlap.

        fasts: DataFrame of discrete logs with start and end datetime columns.
        start_col: Name of column representing fasting start datetimes.
        end_col: Name of column representing fasting end datetimes.

    Returns: True if the discrete fasts DataFrame is valid.

    fasts = fasts.copy()
    fasts.sort_values(by=start_col, ascending=True, inplace=True, ignore_index=True)

    # TODO validate fasts[start_col] and fasts[end_col] data types

    # Validate no missing start or end datetimes
    start_end = fasts[[start_col, end_col]]
    if start_end.isnull().values.any():
        nan_rows = start_end.isnull().any(axis=1)
        nan_rows_indexes = nan_rows[nan_rows].index
        nan_fasts = fasts.iloc[nan_rows_indexes, :]
        raise ValueError(f"""
                        Discrete logs must contain start and end datetimes.
                        Check columns '{start_col}' and '{end_col}' for missing values:

    # validate start_dt < end_dt
    start_end_mismatch = fasts[start_col] > fasts[end_col]  # Is start datetime AFTER end datetime?
    if start_end_mismatch.any():  # If any mismatch
        conflicting_logs = fasts[start_end_mismatch]  # Subset fasts with start and end mismatch
        raise ValueError(f"""
                        Start datetime must be before associated end datetime.
                        The following fasts have start and end datetime conflicts:

    # Validate no overlapping fasts
    intervals = pd.IntervalIndex.from_arrays(left=fasts.start_dt, right=fasts.end_dt.values)
    if intervals.is_overlapping:
        # get overlapping fasts
        previous_end_dt = fasts[end_col].shift(1).dropna()
        overlapping = previous_end_dt > fasts[start_col][1:]
        true_overlap = overlapping[overlapping]
        overlapping_fasts = fasts.iloc[true_overlap.index]
        raise ValueError(f"""
                        Overlapping fasts found in DataFrame.
                        The following fasts overlap with previous fast:

    return True


Load a log export from Zero Fasting and return the start and end datetimes of each fast. DataFrame is reindexed chronologically, oldest to newest, before returned.


Name Type Description Default

File path of log export.


Returns: pandas DataFrame of log export.

Source code in fasting/
def zero_fasts(zero_log_file) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Load a log export from Zero Fasting and return the start and end datetimes of each fast.
    DataFrame is reindexed chronologically, oldest to newest, before returned.
        zero_log_file: File path of log export.

    Returns: pandas DataFrame of log export.
    # Read in log as a csv
    expected_cols = ['Date', 'Start', 'End', 'Hours', 'Night Eating']
    dtypes = {'End': str, 'Hours': float, 'Night Eating': float}
    fasts = pd.read_csv(zero_log_file,
                        parse_dates=[['Date', 'Start']],

    # Clean up DataFrame
    fasts.dropna(subset=['Hours'], inplace=True)  # Drop incomplete fasts (Hours will be NA if incomplete)
    fasts.rename(columns={'Date_Start': 'start_dt'}, inplace=True)  # Rename date parsed column
    fasts = fasts.iloc[::-1].reset_index(drop=True)  # Order by oldest to newest

    # Get end datetime of each fast and add to fasts DataFrame as a new column: 'end_dt'
    end_times = pd.to_datetime(fasts.End).dt.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
    end_time_deltas = pd.to_timedelta(end_times)
    fast_durations = pd.to_timedelta(fasts.Hours, 'H')
    end_dates = (fasts.start_dt + fast_durations)
    end_dt = pd.to_datetime(end_dates)
    end_dt += end_time_deltas
    fasts['end_dt'] = end_dt

    #  Return just the start and end datetimes of each completed fast, in descending order
    return fasts[['start_dt', 'end_dt']]

Last update: 2021-03-03